Empowering Adolescents: Professional Orientation and Career Counseling for High School Students


  • Tamar Kacharava Sokhumi State University




career management, career guidance, career counseling, career choice, self-determination


In the modern world, the importance of choosing a profession and planning a career is increasing day by day. The dynamics of the labor market, technological developments, and the ever-changing global economy have made it necessary for individuals to actively participate in shaping their own professional and career paths. In the 21st century, career management has become vital in coping with the challenges of the modern work environment, so the issue of career orientation becomes especially relevant in high school, which plays a crucial role in shaping the future career trajectories of students, helping to reduce the gap between the aspirations of adolescents and the realities of the labor market, while also supporting the making of professional choices based on students' interests, skills, and values.

This article discusses the role, importance, and format of career management at the high school level, focusing on a review of current research in this area, analyzing the different strategies used in career counselling, and highlighting the benefits of career guidance at the high school and the challenges in career planning. The article draws on the scholarly work of several authors, comparing their perspectives and conclusions to provide an overview of important aspects of career development and allowed us to create a vision for the issue in the context of Georgia.

Author Biography

Tamar Kacharava, Sokhumi State University

Doctoral student in Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Kacharava თ. . (2024). Empowering Adolescents: Professional Orientation and Career Counseling for High School Students. Business and Legislation, 17(2), 84–88. https://doi.org/10.52340/bal/2024.02.11