Stability of the political system is the guarantee of building modern Georgian statehood
Political stability, national identity, political nation, political socialization, geopolitical transitions, political actors, political polarization, cooperation with the European UnionAbstract
The modern Georgian political system is in the process of democratic transition, which is characterized by its rational and irrational features. The structural-functional features of the political system determine its stability. The priorities of building Georgian statehood are determined by the democratic stability of the political system. The irrational process of the political system is its institutional instability, which causes constant polarization. The modern political system is highly polarized, which poses a threat to the construction of statehood; the political opposition, which does not take into account political reality and national pragmatism, is especially destructive; its actions hinder the state-building process and lead the country to civil conflict. The need to achieve a universal political consensus has come to the fore. The 2024 parliamentary elections ended with the victory of the Georgian Dream, which must be recognized by the political opposition. Parliamentary cooperation provides guarantees for the stability of the political system. The future of Georgian statehood and the protection of its sovereignty lies only in European integration, which is constitutionally defined. When determining foreign policy priorities, it is necessary to take into account modern geopolitical transitions. The most important goal is to form the Georgian nation into a political nation, which should create the foundations of a unified state and civil identity. The formation of national identity and its political transition are priorities of modern political socialization. The political system cannot meet the requirements of the time and requires cultural-ideological and intellectual transformation. Significant attention should be paid to raising the level of education of youth, which should be built on national identity. Pseudoliberal approaches should be eliminated in the education system. The stability of the political system requires the consolidation and activity of all political actors. The role of the Georgian Orthodox Church in determining state-building priorities and in the stability of the political space is important.
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