Spatial planning and problems of sustainable development of rural areas in Georgia (conceptual-methodological approach)
spatial planning, master plan, development plan, indicative planning, program-targeted approachAbstract
The article discusses the modern problems of the development of rural areas of Georgia. All countries have different natural-industrial, economic and social spheres of development, labor traditions, sectoral structures, etc. features and trends. Theoretical understanding of these and other problems, especially determining specific directions of their development in the future, is a very difficult task. Especially in Georgia, whose territory includes a unique natural, demographic, economic, social, historical and cultural potential, which in modern conditions should be studied and evaluated using appropriate methodological approaches.
The paper analyzes the results of the complex processes of economic transformation in Georgia during the transitional period, the causes of new challenges. In particular, how the material and technical base and organizational and managerial mechanism of agriculture were destroyed, what caused the economic and social spheres to fall out of the unified process of development, the strengthening of migration processes, the formation of small family farms as the main market entities in rural areas, the deepening of soil degradation, the shortage of qualified personnel, the sharp reduction of irrigated areas, etc.
A trend of decreasing population living in rural areas has been observed in the country, as well as differences in the level of population decline by region. The level of internal migration and emigration is high. The main reason for migration from rural areas is generally unemployment and poverty. In addition, the regions (counties) of the country differ in population density, the size of settlements, and the types of urban and rural settlements.
Local economic development, as a complex process, should be integrated with all directions of territorial development in order to balance economic, ecological and social priorities. This implies the agreement of the interests of the subjects existing in the territory. In this case, it will be more possible to implement strategic (action) plans, programs, projects, balance economic development processes and ensure the interaction of technological systems. This will prepare conditions conducive to the sustainable development of the territory.
The paper substantiates the necessity of transitioning the development of the municipality (as a territory) to indicative planning, so that when planning the sustainable development of the territory, not only orientations are determined, but also methods to achieve the set goal. The advantage of indicative planning is that planning starts "from the bottom up", is based on the principle of consultations and agreements, and takes into account the interests of different layers of society (regardless of the form of ownership), while also performing the function of providing information to the public.
The conclusions and recommendations presented in the article will contribute to the preparation and further improvement of the theoretical and methodological foundations of sustainable development of rural areas
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