The modern model of Georgia's political system


  • Nodar Darsania Sokhumi State University



parliamentary republic, form of political governance


The highest representative body of the country is the Parliament, which exercises legislative power and determines the main directions of foreign and domestic policy of the country. Within the framework established by the Constitution, it controls the activity of the Government and exercises other powers. The procedure of the Parliament's work is determined by a decree having the force of law. Parliament ratifies, denounces and cancels international agreements by a majority of its full members. Today the role of parliament increased in Georgia. This was mainly manifested in the fact that the rights of the Parliament were expanded and the rights of the President were sharply restricted. As for the government, as the supreme executive body, it is accountable and responsible to the Parliament. Because it acquires authority once it is trusted by Parliament.

The president of Georgia is the leader of the state.  Supreme Commander of the Defense Forces.  It is indicative that the president exercises representative powers in foreign relations only with the approval of the government and by the procedure established by the constitution and organic law, appoints elections of parliament and local self-government bodies, and carries out other actions. powers defined by the Constitution.

The Government of Georgia is the supreme body of executive power that implements the internal and foreign policy of the country. It is accountable and responsible to the Parliament. The Government consists of the Prime Minister and Ministers. The structure of the Government and its action procedure is defined by law. The leader of the Government is the prime minister, who defines the main directions of the Government's occupations, in internal and also in foreign relationships.

Parliament expresses confidence in the government in the person of the prime ministerial candidate nominated by the political party with the best results in the parliamentary elections.  Together with the structure of the government, the program of the government will be submitted to the Parliament.  The support of a majority of the full Parliament is required to gain confidence. (Constitution pg. 44).

At present, Georgia is a parliamentary republic in terms of the form of political governance, type of state and nature of political regime. A parliamentary republic is a form of state government in which the leading role in the mechanism of state power belongs to an elected legislative body - parliament.

Author Biography

Nodar Darsania, Sokhumi State University

Doctor of history, Associate professor


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How to Cite

Darsania, N. . (2024). The modern model of Georgia’s political system. Business and Legislation, 17(1), 14–18.