problematic use of social networking sites, emotion regulation, psychological distress, primary symptoms of distress, symptom severity, mediationAbstract
Digital technology have brought many benefits. But numerous studies conducted over the last two decades have shown that uncontrolled consumption of these technologies can lead to many negative consequences - subjective distress, psychopathological symptoms, health problems, social or occupational disorders, that is, symptoms similar to behavioral addiction.
The present study analyzed the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies in the link between psychopathological symptomatology and the severity of problematic use of social networking sites among youth.
464 subjects were selected to participate (with a mean age of 21.4±6.2) completed three self-report questionnaires: Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies Questionnaire, and Symptom Checklist 90-R. The PROCESS macro was used to analyze parallel mediation; the SPSS AMOS-26 module was used to Path Analysis.
Results indicated that cognitive emotion regulation strategies mediate the relationship between psychopathological symptoms and problematic social media use. True, the mediation effect was confirmed for all strategies, but in the case of maladaptive strategies the effect is much stronger. The exception is positive revaluation, which demonstrated a fairly significant effect. Accordingly, psychological interventions will be effective in reducing both problematic use and psychopathological symptoms if they promote the replacement of maladaptive strategies with adaptive ones, especially positive reappraisal.
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