The Influence of Parenting Style on the Psycho-Social Development of Adolescents


  • Tinatin Charkhalashvili



Adolescence, Family, Parenting style, Personal development


Along with the formation of identity and self-esteem in adolescence, the family environment and parenting style used by parents play a critical role. In families where parents cope well with their functions, they create a safe, calm and friendly environment for their children. In a healthy family environment, the child feels calm and safe. Realizes that the parent accepts him/her as he/she is. In addition, parents help to develop a teenager into an independent and full-fledged person.

            The parenting style is the method a parent uses to raise their child. A parent's attitude greatly determines a child's mental and physical health. It affects the development of the child's cognitive, social and communication skills. Parenting style is of crucial importance in the process of socialization and personality formation of a child.

            It can be said with certainty that the development of a teenager into a successful person largely depends on the parenting method used by the parents. Despite the fact that a teenager has to be in several important social environments during his/her life, among them the family is the first where the above-mentioned skills are formed primarily in the environment of parents.

            Based on the above, the analytical research aims to study the influence of parenting styles and methods on the psycho-social development of adolescents.

Author Biography

Tinatin Charkhalashvili

Doctor of Social Sciences

Technical University of Georgia, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Charkhalashvili თ. (2023). The Influence of Parenting Style on the Psycho-Social Development of Adolescents. Business and Legislation, 16(2), 70–74.

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