Formation of modern Georgian political consciousness


  • Guram Abesadze
  • Nodar Abesadze



political awareness, world order, political transition, national identity, state consciousness, political polarization


The transformation of the modern world order brought the problems of nationalism and national identity to the fore, which demanded a new transformation of the nation's political consciousness. Political consciousness has turned into a priority with the value of political transformation of national identity, which should radically transform the state thinking of the nation. The stability of the modern Georgian political system and the democratic transition depend to a significant extent on the transformation of political consciousness. National-state consciousness is undergoing a transformation, which responds appropriately to political challenges and risks. A unified national political consciousness is a defining sign of a state nation. Polarized consciousness in the Georgian political space prevents the formation of a single state nation. Consequently, the process of forming a political society is weak.

The modern Georgian political thinking space is characterized by sharp irrationality and polarization; The Georgian political intelligence failed to adapt to the new situation; Polarization and aggressive rhetoric have become a constant syndrome; Authoritarianism and autocracy became an irrational trend of state thinking. Georgian political consciousness is distinguished by multicultural and multi-confessional features, which requires the strengthening of the process of political integration. The rationalization of political consciousness requires updating political actors and changing their rhetoric; National pragmatism has become the most important requirement for the formation of modern Georgian political identity. National-state consciousness with its value elements is based on religious identity. In the Georgian political space, the Orthodox Church has turned into an actor in the transformation of value priorities and political consciousness.

Author Biographies

Guram Abesadze

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Sukhumi State University

Nodar Abesadze

Doctor of Social Sciences, guest lecturer of Sukhumi State University


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How to Cite

Abesadze გ., & Abesadze ნ. (2023). Formation of modern Georgian political consciousness. Business and Legislation, 16(2), 25–34.