Conceptual vectors of improving the quality of accounting for small and medium-sized businesses
certification of accountants, accountant registry, unified qualification requirements of accountants, continuing education for accountantsAbstract
The paper outlines the urgent need to improve accounting quality in Georgia - issues of the field and perspectives to solve problems.
The authors draw attention to the challenges that have been highlighted by the accumulated experience after the reforms implemented in the field and require further refinement and new solutions in accordance with times. According to them, accounting, along with providing fundamental qualitative characteristics, is responsible for timely and complete provision of useful information to managers. The further development of accounting is, first of all, the improvement of the quality of accounting information to be used in the governance process, that requires the implementation of complex measures for the training and improving qualification of accountants. Professionals are well-aware of existing challenges. Thus, they are more efficient to resolve obstacles of the field then any other individuals.
The article presents the relevant arguments and, based on them, the important conceptual opinions of the professional associations on the necessary measures to improve the quality of accounting and reporting in Georgia.
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