Kudos International Accounting and Auditing Network


  • Ana Osikmashvili Sokhumi State University




Qudos international network, which is in the list of leading auditing companies, was founded in 2012 and is represented in more than 40 countries of the world.

The success of the Kudos international network is ensured by the full membership of the "Forum of Firms". Membership in the Forum is only available to firms that have implemented a globally coordinated internal quality assurance review program, use International Auditing Standards (ISAs) in their operations, and meet other relevant ethical requirements.

Author Biography

Ana Osikmashvili, Sokhumi State University

Doctoral student of Sukhumi State University, Kudos Georgia's transaction partner



How to Cite

Osikmashvili ა. (2023). Kudos International Accounting and Auditing Network. Business and Legislation, 16(1), 144. https://doi.org/10.52340/bal/2023.01.16