Current issues of Rural Employment
Agriculture, employment, labor resources, unemployment, employment problemsAbstract
The priority of agricultural development in Georgia is the employment or self-employment of the able-bodied rural population. Its known by everyone that there are two main ways to solve the employment problem, the first of which is to employ them in the vacant jobs of the state service, and the second is the newly created jobs, which will be created by the development of small and micro businesses in rural areas. Employment of the rural population should reflect economic activity, which is one of the necessary conditions for the growth of their well-being. Employment and activity depands onrural population growth dynamics, age structure, occupational composition and wages. In this case, the situation in our country is not favorable, because both the number of rural population and the average number of people working in agricultural farms are decreasing. And their wages are lower compared to people, who are employed in other fields.
Therefore, it is necessary to generate agriculture with the economic policy of the state, based on science and encouragedby the experience of other developed countries, which will contribute to the growth and employment of the young generation, to solve their social and economic problems. Finally, the migration of the rural population might slow down, in both - within the country and moving abroad, these processes likely become more noticeable.
ჭითანავა ნ. (2014). აგრარული სექტორი ახალი გამოწვევების წინაშე: აგრარული სექტორის ტრანსფორმაციის ძირითადი ნიშნები, თავისებურბები და ტენდენციები. ბიზნესი და კანონმდებლობა, 7(2), 5–21. Retrieved from
კოღუაშვილი პ., შრომითი რესურსების გამოყენების პრობლემები სოფლის მეურნეობაში. ჟ. ბიზნესი და კანონმდებლობა, ოქტომბერი 2010;;;