"Tax" of direct and indirect taxes About the fair distribution of the burden


  • Giorgi Tsaava Georgian Technical University
  • Anzor Abralava Georgian Technical University
  • Levan Grigalashvili Georgian Technical University
  • Rati Burdiashvili Georgian Technical University
  • Valery Mosiashvili Georgian National University SEU




tax planning, taxable profit, value-added tax, Advance, ratio of the „Golden Section“


The paper discusses and proposes proposals for the fair distribution of the "tax burden" of direct and indirect taxes, in particular, it is considered appropriate to use the "golden ratio" proportion (62% and 38%, respectively), which will become a precursor to the formation of the phenomenon of harmonization in the distribution of the said burden. Due to the fact that the introduction of the value added tax has only led to a monetary increase in the budget volume, the return to the "tax from turnover" is considered undesirable. Within the framework of the Georgian National Currency Devaluation and Dedollarization Company, the excise duty on oil products has almost doubled. Therefore, the authors believe that the so-called Transition to the floating excise duty regime. In 2012, the European Commission made an official proposal to introduce a tax on financial transactions to pay for the placement of international shares and bonds on the world stock exchanges. In this regard, it is proposed to introduce a 0.1% tax on international transactions by Georgian banks, railways and other large corporations in the budget, which is 0.55 billion of the country's budget. It would become a source of replenishment with GEL; In the paper, it is justified that the amount received by the enterprise as an advance is not an amount (income) from the point of view of financial accounting, and therefore its taxation is not considered legitimate.

Author Biographies

Giorgi Tsaava, Georgian Technical University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Georgian Technical University Professor

Anzor Abralava, Georgian Technical University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Georgian Technical University Professor

Levan Grigalashvili, Georgian Technical University

Doctor of Economic Sciences Georgian Technical University Professor

Rati Burdiashvili, Georgian Technical University

Academic Doctor of Economics Georgian Technical University Professor

Valery Mosiashvili, Georgian National University SEU

Academic Doctor of Economics Georgian National University SEU Professor


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How to Cite

Tsaava გ., Abralava ა., Grigalashvili ლ., Burdiashvili რ., & Mosiashvili ვ. (2023). "Tax" of direct and indirect taxes About the fair distribution of the burden. Business and Legislation, 16(1), 94–102. https://doi.org/10.52340/bal/2023.01.06