Leadership role differentiation and risk-taking in student groups
leader, risk, willingness to take riskAbstract
Leadership is discussed as a psychological phenomenon in the article. The emergence of a group is impossible without its constituent elements. Such units are individuals whose relationship gives rise to essentially whole features, however, the role of the leader in the emergence and functioning of small groups is especially important,as well as his dependence on the goals and tasks of the group and self-establishment and prestige among group members, etc.
The definition of leadership as a set of certain personal characteristics and skills is criticized by many psychologists, however, it is undeniable that one of the important characteristics for a leader's effectiveness is the readiness for risk, which is related to such human qualities as: impulsiveness, excitability, aggressiveness, tendency to dominate, self-confidence, etc.
The aim of the research is to empirically check: whether there is a role differentiation of leadership in student groups and whether instrumental (business) and expressive (relational or social-emotional) leaders differ from each other in their readiness for risk.
The research was conducted in different higher educational institutions of Georgia. The total number of respondents was 230 students. The following research tools were used: J. Moreno's sociometric method was used to identify leaders, the purpose of which is to study the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships. It studies the complex forms resulting from sympathy-antipathy between different individuals within a certain group. In order to study the readiness for risk, we selected the one-dimensional method developed by Schubert.
On the basis of empirical research, it was confirmed that a role differentiation of leadership takes place in student groups, that is, the role of instrumental and expressive leader is realized by different persons.
As for the data of readiness for risk, based on our research, it was found that the leader in the expressive field is not the member of the group with the highest status, but the ordinary member. And the lowest data in terms of readiness for risk is also for outsiders, which is probably due to the fact that they have low self-esteem, do not like to be in the center of attention, have a feeling that their words will not be heard and taken into account, and are generally characterized by a lack of initiative.
In the instrumental field, the comparison of the ordinary member of the leader and the outsider confirmed a statistically significant difference only between the leader and (p=.000) and the rest of the group members - ordinary members and outsiders (p= 0.47). In this case, our hypothesis that the leader's readiness for risk is higher than the non-leader's in the instrumental and expressive fields was partially confirmed.
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