Particularities of recruitment and circulation of the political elite in Georgia


  • Nodar Darsania Sokhumi State University



Political elite, personnel changes, neonomenklatura


The political elite as a valuable and important segment of society, and the quality of its distinguished, advanced part is conditioned by the process of recruitment, renewal - selection, and circulation.

During the transitional period in Georgia, the political elite was characterized by a rapid change of cadres, i.e. High intensity of circulation.

The recruitment process of the Georgian political elite during the administration of President Zviad Gamsakhurdia had its significant particularities., which are expressed further:

The national forces considered the nomenclature elite to be a remnant of the communist system, and therefore they considered it necessary to completely change it, to "remove them mechanically". On the one hand, leaders of the "Round Table" block occupied high positions in the governmental structures.

On the other hand, the "democrats" came to power with the national "mobility lift" due to the circumstances, low intellectuals, and adventurists of various sorts. President E. Shevardnadze completely preserved the legacy of the former party's nomenclature, as a result of which neo-nomenclature was found in the highest positions of the country's political administration.

The political elite that came as a result of the November 2003 coup d'etat was not ready for the normal management of the country. Therefore, the officials appointed for revolutionary merit based on the party sign cannot show professional competence.

Аccordingly, the officials appointed for revolutionary merit based on the party sign cannot show professional competence.

Thus M. Saakashvili's personnel policy is characterized by the same particularities that were characteristic of Zviad Gamsakhurdia's personnel policy. The political elite of the "Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia" party, which came to power in 2012, took into account the mistake of the previous government and appointed representatives of other parties in the coalition with the ruling party to high government positions, but in a certain time, one of the characteristic particularities of the personnel policy of this government, as for the period of the administration of the predecessors, is the fast pace of circulation, frequent change of positions and replacement of each other in seats. Thus, it is necessary to stand above party affiliation and attract the best, advanced representatives of the nation to the political elite.

Author Biography

Nodar Darsania, Sokhumi State University

Doctor of History, SSU associate professor


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How to Cite

Darsania ნ. (2023). Particularities of recruitment and circulation of the political elite in Georgia. Business and Legislation, 16(1), 80–86.