Democratic transition of the political system and formation of modern Georgian national identity


  • Guram Abesadze Sokhumi State University
  • Nodar Abesadze Sukhumi State University



Political system, democratic transition, national identity, institutional actors, political polarization


The democratic transition of the political system is the most important process of the development of Georgian statehood. The institutional and cultural-value transition of the political system is impossible without the transformation of the nation's identity. The functional rationality and pragmatism of the political system transforms the nation's political identity in accordance with the new times. Institutional transformation remains the primary problem of the democratic transition of the political system of modern Georgia; The syndrome of dominant institutionality becomes the cause of polarization and destructiveness; Institutional polarization significantly hinders the nation's political transformation; Political transformation means the political transition of national identity, which primarily involves the formation of state identity; State identity is a politically consolidated and institutionally transformed nation based on national rationality and pragmatism. The ideology of national identity could not become a criterion for the dynamism of the political system. The most important function of the political system is the political socialization of the nation; The new Georgian national-political identity is achieved as a result of the socialization process. In the process of political transition of national identity, the political-cultural potential of the nation needs to be transformed. The political-intellectual potential of the functional actors of the political system cannot meet the requirements of the time. The destructiveness of the political opposition, which is characterized by aggressive rhetoric, has become an irrational process of the democratic transition of the political system. The process of democratic transition brought to the fore the actor role of the Georgian Orthodox Church in the political system; The church is distinguished by its pragmatic approach and plays an important role in the formation of the Georgian national-political identity.

Author Biographies

Guram Abesadze, Sokhumi State University

Doctor of Political Science, Professor at Sokhumi State University, Head of Policy Science

Nodar Abesadze, Sukhumi State University

Doctor of Social Sciences, guest lecturer of Sukhumi State University


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How to Cite

Abesadze გ., & Abesadze ნ. (2023). Democratic transition of the political system and formation of modern Georgian national identity. Business and Legislation, 16(1), 71–79.