

Political culture is a necessary condition for democratic transition. It will be manifested in three directions: 1. Conscious-ness; 2. moods and emotions; 3. In the form of behavior models. The modern Georgian political space is characterized by irrational tendencies of political culture. Political-cultural transition refers to institutional and political-value changes of the political space. The institutional political order in the Georgian political space is very low, which is the cause of politi-cal polarization. The primary goal of the political-cultural transition in modern Georgia is the formation of the Georgian national identity. The intellectual potential of the nation is not fully used in the political space. The problem of political culture and democratic transition is radical and destructive behaviors that need serious transformation. Political activity lacks rationality and state pragmatism.Political culture and democratic transition are closely related. Democratic transition refers to the process of forming a civil and participatory culture. The most important condition for the stability of Georgian democracy is the establishment of national pragmatism. The formation of a political nation remains a problem of the democratic transition. We consider the primary task of forming a political nation to be: 1. Political transition of Georgian national identity and integration of polyethnic and multicultural space; 2. Elimination of polarization between political actors and society; 3. Political-cultural and institutional transition of the political system. A politically integrated society and a new Georgian identity will become the basis of a political-cultural democratic space.

Author Biographies

Guram Abesadze, Sokhumi State University

Doctor of Political Science, Professor

Nodar Abesadze, Sokhumi State University

Doctor of Social Sciences, guest lecturer


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How to Cite

Abesadze, G., & Abesadze, N. (2022). POLITICAL CULTURE AND DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION IN GEORGIA . Business and Legislation, 15(3), 12–17. Retrieved from https://ojs.b-k.ge/index.php/bk/article/view/773