Management and regulation of political conflicts

example of conflict in Abkhazia


  • Elguja Kavtaradze


    This Studies aims to analyze "The main tendencies of public-political opinion in the management and regulation of political conflicts”. Based on the actual facts we explored nuances of the conflict of Abkhazia. The dissertation analyzes the shortest ways to end the conflict.

    The introduction briefly describes the violation of the territorial integrity of Georgia by the Russian Republic and the outbreak on ethnic conflict. The dissertation analyzes two main lines of Georgian socio-political thinking in regards to conflict resolution of Abkhazia, collaborationist-capitulatory and legal-political.

     In the dissertation there is a chronological discussion Russia’s provocations towards Georgia, which took us to war in 2008.  It’s interesting how radically different are political lines of current and former ruling parties of Georgia.

     Former Soviet Union countries are fighting for their survival, but aggressive Kremlin is not going to give up their positions, which caused the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Ukraine's position and steadfastness have earned the unprecedented support of the world. The sanctions which was never seen before in history, weakens Federation of Russia, meanwhile this is the chance for former Soviet Union countries. Among them, it promises the progress and prosperity for Georgia. The current conflict of Ukraine can play a big role in building a united Georgian state.

Author Biography

Elguja Kavtaradze

Sukhumi State University

Professor of Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Kavtaradze, E. . (2022). Management and regulation of political conflicts: example of conflict in Abkhazia. Business and Legislation, 15(2), 115–126. Retrieved from