„Green“ economy - goals and advantages
Sustainable development is the system of the development of the society which taking into account the economic development of the society and interests of environmental protection provides with the well-being of the human, increase of the quality of life and right of future generations to use with reversible quantitative and quality changes with maximally protected natural resources and environment.
The sustainable development means such kind of form of economic growth, which provides the well-being of the society with short, medium and, which is most important long term time. It is based on the principle according to which the demands of today should be satisfied so that it shouldn’t make any danger for the future generations. The sustainable development means creation of the terms for the long-term economic development taking into account maximal issued of the environmental protection. With sustainable development is in tight connection the conception of “Green Economy”, which was implemented in the frame of the plan of strategic development of the country. The conception of “Green” economy – is new vector of sustainable development. In particular “Green” is economy which not only will rise the well-being of humans and approves the social justice, but also decreases the human risks and deficit of ecological resources. Georgia recognizes the environmental protection, as integral part of human rights. Exactly for this issue the government of Georgia set up as most important priority environmental protection and issues of the management of natural resources. Use of biological resources with such way and speed which will not cause decrease of the biological diversity and will maintain taking into account needs of the future generations.
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