Dominant institutional actors of the modern Georgian political scene and political stability


  • Guram Abesadze
  • Nodar Abesadze


The democratic transition of the modern Georgian political scene is determined by the functional strategies of the dominant institutional actors. Institutional order is the most important factor in the stability of democracy. The modern Georgian political scene is distinguished by its institutional actor polarization; Polarization has become a permanent syndrome of destructiveness and emergence of crisis situations. A dominant institutional party rule has been established on the political scene, which is the reason for the emergence of authoritarianism and autocracy. The dominant institutional system is distinguished by its irrational tendencies, which damage the stability of democracy. Polarization and extremism have become a permanent syndrome of the Georgian political scene and democratic transition. Institutional nihilism is strengthening in the society, which periodically brings the legitimate order into crisis. The functional strategy of the Georgian political opposition has become destructiveness and revolutionary scenarios, which further deepens polarization. The opposition political spectrum with its cultural-intellectual potential cannot meet the requirements of the time; Their political portraits are outdated, which fails to express the state's pragmatic position. The opposition institutional actors are in an ideological crisis, which seriously damages the political stability.

An important factor of political stability is the political elite and leaders who think situationally and play a decisive role in transitional periods; Their professionalism and rational pragmatism lead to institutional stability. The recruitment and circulation of the political elite faced certain problems; Their political-cultural self-assertion needs serious renewal. Authoritarian and autocratic qualities of political leaders can be observed on the Georgian political scene. A political leader should be distinguished by his democratic and rational approaches; His authority and consensual approach should eliminate the polarization and destructiveness of the political scene. Institutional order should become a decisive factor in the stability of the Georgian political scene.

Author Biographies

Guram Abesadze

Doctor of Political Science, Professor at Sokhumi State University,

Head of Policy Science

Nodar Abesadze

Doctor of Social Sciences of Georgian Technical Universit


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How to Cite

Abesadze , G. ., & Abesadze , N. . (2022). Dominant institutional actors of the modern Georgian political scene and political stability. Business and Legislation, 15(2), 76–81. Retrieved from