
  • Ana Zubashvili


The development of digital technology has brought many benefits to mankind - for majority the Internet is an amazing information tool with many opportunities. But numerous studies conducted over the last two decades have revealed that in some cases, excessive, uncontrolled consumption of these technologies might lead to a number of negative consequences - psychopathological symptoms, health problems, social or occupational disorders, etc., that is, symptoms traditionally associated with psychoactive substance usage or gambling.

The article presents a review of foreign literature about this topic, which showed that although mental health problems related to excessive Internet use are no longer debatable, consensus could not be reached on the conceptualization and diagnosis of this phenomenon, which is why it was not recognized as an addiction for neither DSM-5 nor ICD-11. An alternative approach to the concept of addiction is the theory of problematic use, in which the phenomenon is considered not as a pathology, a clinical disorder, but as a cognition that causes more negative effects and behavior, or cognitive-behavioral paradigm - the problem of self-regulation.

The term "problematic" is more relevant, since, first, it is debatable whether excessive consumption is an addiction; Second, it covers the whole range of problem behaviors - from mild to severe disorder; Finally, the term "problematic" is less mesmerizing than "addiction". The term "Internet" is too general, since the Internet is just an environment that allows you to perform various actions that cause habituation, so it is necessary to consider the content consumed.

Author Biography

Ana Zubashvili

Master of Clinical Psychology


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How to Cite

Zubashvili, A. . (2022). INTERNET ADDICTION OR PROBLEMATIC INTERNET USE?. Business and Legislation, 15(1), 62–72. Retrieved from