Political socialization and the formation of a modern Georgian national identity
Political socialization is a defining condition for the formation of a modern Georgian political nation and its identity. Two factors affect modern Georgian political socialization: 1. Rational and irrational processes of domestic political transition, and 2. A change in the world order, which is characterized by a new geopolitical transition. The model of modern Georgian political socialization is the process of institutional and cultural-ideological changes of the political system, which aims to form a new political identity of the nation. The modern era has brought to the fore the problem of national identity, which requires a new understanding. The primary value priority of Georgian political socialization is the political integration of the multicultural and polyethnic space and the formation of a civic identity. The primary agent of socialization is political institutions that are not distinguished by stability; Polarization and destructiveness on the political scene have become a syndrome of acting, leading to a crisis of socialization. Polarization is further exacerbated by dominant parties hindering the democratic transition. The strengthening of the elements of political alienation should be considered as an irrational tendency of political socialization. The most important function in the process of political socialization of the nation is played by ideology. Ideology - this is a system of certain values, which should lead to the political-cultural transition of the nation and the formation of a modern political nation. State and institutional ideology is weak in the Georgian political space, which causes crises at cyclical intervals. In the conditions of institutional and ideological vacuum, the Orthodox Church is distinguished by its national position, which has a constitutionally political status. The Georgian Church has become an important actor in the modern political socialization and transition of national identity.
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