Directions for increasing the efficiency of agricultural production
Agriculture, efficiency, investment, targeted programs, subsidiesAbstract
The growing interest in increasing the efficiency of agricultural production is due to the fact that, among other fields, agriculture is currently in a severe crisis. The volume of agricultural production has fallen sharply here. The agrarian field has only specific traits characteristic of it. Import efficiency of cheap and low-quality agricultural products from foreign countries has a negative impact on the efficiency of agricultural production. This is why managing the agrarian sector is very difficult and often requires a specific differentiated approach.
For the development of agriculture, it is necessary to attract investment in agricultural production, allocate priority areas and develop targeted programs by the state for their development.
გ. თეთრაძე, პ. კოღუაშვილი, აგრარული რისკები, აგროდაზღვევისა და აგროდაკრედიტების პრობლემები, ჟურნალი „ეკონომიკა“№1 2017 წ.;;;