The Role of Economic Analysis in the Enterprise Management System
economic analysis, management, business plan, planning, hidden reservesAbstract
In order to make the right decision, one of the important roles among the interrelated functions of the enterprise management system is given to economic analysis. The analysis looks for reserves to improve the financial situation in the enterprise, reveals opportunities for losses, further development of the enterprise, increasing efficiency, financial-credit and settlement operations. Based on the economic analysis, a business plan is prepared for the efficient use of resources for the management of the enterprise and the improvement of the financial situation, which should intensify production based on modern scientific and technical achievements, implement progressive management decisions.
The motivation for effective management of the enterprise identified the need to improve economic analysis, bringing its sources and methodologies closer to the system in developed market relations.
The paper discusses the views of the authors on the use of analysis in terms of market development uncertainty, its information sources and methodology.
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