Some Topical Issues in Accounting Information Analysis and Auditing


  • Natela Vashakidze
  • Desdemona Maghlakelidze
  • Diana Uglava


Enterprise, Accounting Balance, Financial Reporting, Financial Information, Analysis, Audit


The paper discusses what has led to the analysis of accounting information in enterprises and the interest in some audit issues. Financial information is the most important tool for making economic decisions. One of the main sources of financial information is the financial reporting component - the balance sheet. In a competitive environment, information users need complete and reliable financial information. This showed the need for financial reporting in our country to be prepared and published in accordance with international accounting and financial reporting standards and to be audited in accordance with international audit standards, which are associated with certain difficulties. That is why it is necessary to study the issues of compiling a perfect balance, analyzing the information reflected in it and auditing it.

Based on accurate and unambiguous financial information, economic decisions will help businesses to operate efficiently, grow their businesses in the country, and improve the well-being of their population.

Author Biographies

Natela Vashakidze

Akaki Tsereteli State University Associate Professor

Desdemona Maghlakelidze

Akaki Tsereteli State University Associate Professor

Diana Uglava

Akaki Tsereteli State University Invited specialist Doctor of Business Administration


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How to Cite

Vashakidze, N. ., Maghlakelidze, D. ., & Uglava , D. . (2020). Some Topical Issues in Accounting Information Analysis and Auditing. Business and Legislation, 13(1), 72–76. Retrieved from