Key aspects of accounting for a leased asset with a lessee under the IFRS for SMEs
asset lease, Financial and ordinary leases, Lessor, RentAbstract
Leasing is a business-related process and involves the transfer of virtually all risks and rewards of ownership of an identifiable asset to an interested party in return for reimbursement. It usually involves at least two parties, the lessee and the lessee. The legal and economic confirmation of the lease of an asset is made by a lease agreement that specifies the terms of the lease and the rights and obligations of the parties. International financial reporting standards are used to account for lease-related business operations, depending on the scope of the business, without any boundaries of business.
In SMEs, lease accounting is permitted to be carried out in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for SMEs. The advantage of applying IFRS to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is the high degree of its perception, moreover, the fundamental accounting principles in both standards are identical.
The present paper deals with small and medium-sized tenants, key aspects of accounting for asset lease transactions with MSI IFRS. It is common sense that IFRS financial statements provide an opportunity to assess the assets and liabilities arising from an asset lease, as well as to make appropriate managerial, result-oriented decisions.
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-2020 წლებისთვის