Limitation period...

A new puzzle of the payer or prolongation of injustice?!


  • Iuri Papaskua
  • Suliko Futkaradze


The administration mechanism established by the previous government still maintains a gloomy face. No one expected its radical change with one wave of a magic wand, the course of partnership attitude towards taxpayers and the promise of not allowing new "irregularities" gave more hope to the voters who dreamed of the October changes. That is why appeals to law enforcement and dispute resolution bodies increased. The reaction to public high-profile cases is more or less widely known. For the audience.No less noteworthy and the object of interest of those dedicated to establishing justice should be the decisions made on little-known facts and the disappointment.

Author Biographies

Iuri Papaskua

Academic Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Suliko Futkaradze

Academic Doctor of Business Administration




How to Cite

Papaskua, I., & Futkaradze, S. (2012). Limitation period.: A new puzzle of the payer or prolongation of injustice?!. Business and Legislation, 6(4), 3–6. Retrieved from

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